Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beats by Dre Just Beats e north another he

The wound fought too, but temporarily lost the control to the image.^^After being public and adapting to suddenly and returning to in the moment the light in the library to shine on a condition, slowly just slowly reveal from the of young girl to the answer of problem of north:"Is not Anne the Jie Luo don't think especially to keep at the tile Long ground technique returns to return to people, she just can not do like this.Because this world has already lost the soil of those technique existence.The world that is heading for to die's destining mankind can not resume the brilliance in the past days any further."
Probably because returned to a familiar book the indoor, and don't need to be worried again the vision is from the surrounding ground the landscape up move to open and then will miss what key of information,Artist Series, this time Xu finally can become overdo to the north, with bitter west the Ya exchange a look in the eyes.
Is as early as from the thin Nuo there know many tiles in the cloths of central mainland because the main cannon of the eye of absolute being shoots but after collapsing, slowly to north with bitter west the Ya talked over this world date without many possibilities-the ancient person is least likely to make this kind of a shoot jade accompany the thing of Fen.In their in those days very may this kind of thing can at will use and change but talk of modernly the moxa Si world of Ke Jia Ni is in the eighth density or another of what aspect and ancient world's comparing with to come have already seriously deteriorated, will think this world is departing from this life gradually that is the affair of naturally.
Now seem this time still true drive they 2 guess rightness, this world is indeed as expected nearing death ……
Mutually understand without saying of 2 people again turn vision to return to a black cat young girl body up, wait she to explain an affair of detailed.
"About after the war ends the 500th year.The world heads for in the head that the sign advent of death got to sky world.Most beginning just some Gaos of the tile Long can the equipments consuming start appearing a problem, immediately after summer Ao Lu boon ground clan's growing and discovering their ground the chirping of birds gift power be continuously lowering.I just discover that time, the ground goes to ground in the world to decline to be just an early sign, sky world only is luckily than ground world late 500 years is just.Is a disaster to hide however, person in the sky won war, can not change a world is heading for the fact of perdition.For this, Anne Jie Luo the special permission have to again instruct those ghosts of great craftsmans for passing away.But this time even if is me.Even if I spare no effort with all strength, all can not again their souls are from the gold color of invoked back at first.
"In the beginning my thinking is a station the person there wise wolf obstructed on the ground, can immediately I realize, even if that wolf what don't do as well, I also can not invoke those people to the present generation any further.Be like because of their soul affirmation long time ago I try request heto stay at the person of the country of night so, turned to make the broken bits of flashlight that spreads all over the whole country.Originally I as early asly up of dark grain the son mineral well beginning dried up of time, have already come in contact with nearing death omen in the world, can I but have no apprehensibility this omen, commit irretrievable mistake ……"
Say the young girl raises head,Beats by Dre Just Beats.Looking at everyone of book the indoor.Use very sure of tone one word to say:"Those legends that programed this world great craftsmans affirmation got mistake what, and what they got mistake is the things of a certain root.Probably up the soldier know that they got mistake what, can I but lost the opportunity of understanding the all these."
Those big craftsmans are indeed as expected mankind rather than god, their mistake let their Yin cover the source head that the great wish of posterity became war and distress, in the war people's but again of luckily survive have to exist among the shadow that the world will soon over.Slowly suddenly think to the north, perhaps the moxa Si world of Ke Jia Ni is to have absolute being, this absolute being Zhi Gao Gao at up of look down his sub- the people do of everything, then toward these wild diagrams is to oneself plus the arrogant kid of absolute being space's giving absolute being to punish.
This absolute being punishes not is a great anger thunderbolt, also not is to destroy the whole floods, but brought people by long odds lead the deeply heavy disaster of flood and thunderbolt.
"Because the world becomes more and more weak, " owns the black cat young girl of the Wei ability that look like the absolute being to continue to relate absolute being to punish under of the date, "Anne the Jie Luo have to destroy especially the great majority system of tile Long, the end defense system protecting to stay also got into dormancy mode and only used to conceal the image of markets and buildings in mirage system of the position of tile Long has been maintaining an operation in these thousand in the last yearses.Has been consumedly weak for the sake of the protection real strenght of tile Long, the Anne Jie Luo secretly helps to be apart from especially tile Long recently the female leader on the mainland.Providing a series can support her building up the strongest empire of sky in the advanced weapon that becomes more and more and weakly to use in the world:Many tiles in the cloth."
The words sound that is girlish just fall, slowly to north after death ring out "bang" of a , Xu returned toward the north overdo, saw not to know to when finish vomiting to also arrive at library ground the much thin thunder was second foolish to sit on the ground, the full face incredible air looking at to relate everything of cat son.Her mouth seems to leave aqueous goldfish the ground is continuous on opening a to match, the twittering time and time again writes:"Many tiles in the cloth ……is what Anne Jie Luo support especially descend build up?Isn't the fighting skill that founds a nation impress obtained ground by her, ……impossible ……"
Slowly toward the north hear, the much thin thunder is second because at rare reach to invoke only of see the figure of founding a nation of many tileses impress in the cloth in the battalion, just finally summon up courage have to overcome oneself's acrophobia to then conquer firmamental.Just gave her endless strength ground idol but lost ray of light for an instant here-is big parts of ray of lights at least-she will feel surprised and can not accept is also a naturally ground.
The lotus beautiful ETA lightly hugs much thin thunder second shoulder.And the thin Nuo also arrive at a younger sister after death and lightly put the palm of right hand to much thin thunder in the second head, it is that flickering and flaring meek silver hair to daut her.
Black cat but took no cognizance much thin thunder second condition, this poured is match very much she starts most to the person of that kind of icy coldly impression.She is to want to tell the much thin thunder second ground in the world to be ruthlessness use fair and softly a voice to adjust to continue to say:"For the sake of possibly of assurance the safety of tile Long, the Anne Jie Luo carried on the battleship of the world war period especially improvement.Make can use in the worlds of gradual crack-up of battleship, immediately handed over to many tiles in the cloth it.Lean against this battleship, many territories of tiles in the cloth more and more big, hence no one can threaten any further tile Long, those techniques that have already canned not use in this world are smoothly buried at horary river in.
"Can problem BE, even if print those, can not let this world come back from the brink of death, either.We are each to is foolish in the Dian of the sky.Lookinging at originally should gradual alignment in the world being guarded by us only have the end of death.
"Afterwards, I thought of a can probably decelerate a world to collapse a bad way, that is to freeze I.The country of night that I manage after the war ended more than 100 year, , gradually became the country of real death, because of living at people on the earth already little to can neglect not to account, the big river of the country of night becomes one dead Ji and didn't need the person whom I ferry any further, the river light flowing through also becomes only a few.Like this of my maintaining the status of activity must be a huge burden to the world.But while thinking in the soundly asleep again I continue to looking at this world, so I created cat of in.And shone on the shape of the original wise wolf of management gold color to create a false soul.Let her act for my surface layer consciousness.Immediately after, I sank into soundly asleep.My from the heart hope like this can make up the fault that I commit.If my self-destruction could bring world a freshman, I early let it was so."
Slowly looking at the face of black cat young girl to the north, he knows really thinks like this in the at present young girl heart, this on the contrary lets her image be slowly becoming in the eye to the north ……how say, Xu always feel what she basically didn't do amiss to the north-
Can if wanted to lay the blame on the mistake to those to program the whole legend craftsmans to seem is not right either.In fact, Xu in nowadays often puzzles to the North Africa, he discovers that he doesn't know to will result in this result of the responsibility for put who head up.
At by this time and slowly suddenly thought of toward the north another , he looking at a young girl, unavoidably some Related articles:

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