Monday, November 12, 2012

Beats By Dr Dre Studio hasn't been talking

, Suddenly feel mind one Zhan, haven't waited he to respond to come over, from the seeing anterior sea surface a green light is blunt sky of but rises, a green dragon dances in the wind but, immediately air cloud gathers the voice of roll of thunder to ring out, Sung Chang Gung a see is the magic weapon that the other party puts or keep a ground of living creature.
The efforts that he connects and calls names all have no, a see not to, start to fly immediately and upward, immediately after feel behind the ground break an empty voice sharp, that dragon is also upward fierce to fly, but Sung Chang Gung suddenly choked a hand Jue, then see that five lines of swords only bind and ride on him ground the body continues upward empty blunt, but together underlying almost without shadow ground the glory only declines and wears into sea and disappears from five lines of swords.
Green dragon although the speed isn't equal to that flies five lines of sword lights of grounds upward quick, but is not weak either how much, and have already held up sword in the middle of pursuing back route only, and then noodles of green light also fly to the sword baldheaded crest.
Five lines of sword simply dead straight bumping up didn't wait the other party reflection to come over, 'bang!'The ground explosion is opened, huge explosion after, five lines of swords only put out to disappear, huge wood absolute being once the gentleman see is a false body, know a concealed body of quilt the other party to escape into the sea, he the eyes time is cold, the Hey Hey sneer way:"Think into sea and then can escape?Hey Hey, tastes my ground'green Long Nao Hai Ling'how?"
Say will that green 1 dragons, see that green dragon fiercely one Be long to sing, re- go into return, hover around to visit in the water, the sea water is stired to move, with this shaking up of green dragon, formed a huge eddy, then that strength that revolve shake up sea water and unexpectedly make the quiet ocean immediately muddy great waves sky, the huge wave turns over to flow out, wave lead the place unexpectedly let a little bit weaker of the islands be all clapped ground.
Is huge wood absolute being gentleman just at satisfied, the shining glory that sees shine to various color on four nearby islands, immediately after 67 vehemences of pound Bos are blunt sky of but rise, seem to imply a Nu idea among them, immediately after have already had two personal shadow to hurtle, huge wood absolute being the gentleman know on seeing not good, unexpectedly have the quite a few the ground fairyland to live here, oneself has already shaken up the other party, perhaps don't can be getting kinder.
He knows he is won Sung Chang Gung of calculate, this guy all the way and hither flies, early know there is a ground of fairyland here living, he hurriedly a wave hand Jue, sees that stir a green dragon of sea to rush out from water, then one Be long to sing, fly to his neighborhood, surround his 1 to hover around, became gradually a green long Ling of simply falling into his hand immediately after a baby blue to show out.
The absolute being dragon that up there is deep blue, and the green dragon just flying out look exactly alike, is exactly his magic weapon'green Long Nao Hai Ling', he just took back to magic weapon, those two people had already flown to his neighborhood, 3 people didn't see, a small bird also noiselessly flew to go out to sea in, the huge wood absolute being gentleman didn't wait the other party to talk, was an arch hand first to say with smile:"I am to temporarily annoy careless, for making track for to kill an enemy, unexpectedly stired to make everybody, please forgive more.
Once those two people see the other party is a youth shape, indeed is a deep capability Zhan, and the bearing is polite, come up to admit mistake first, is not very deeply either to add a responsibility to ask, one among those persons first openings way:"The old man is south china sea a Xuan turtle palace easy week, this is south china sea on person of the copper coco Chi in the sky in the island, our Gua resides here, didn't contend for with a life time, although is an oversea savage country people, can also is to have small reputation, everyone knows that we live here.
Many friends also all give us face, never stir to make here, don't know friend what?How to call?Why did you thus and greatly take up arms?"He the words sound just said to fall and just flew the small bird of suddenly to call a way in the underneath:"He is huge wood absolute being gentleman, stole inborn to work properly a treasure to escape a bearer from the sky, live in the big Huang summit of hill now."(The not yet finished treats continuously, know such as the desire that how funeral affairs is please land wwwiccomm, the chapter is more, support author, support original reading!)
The head delivers

Is the first to go into ground the God chapter 532 celestial spirits to order

The words of bird make everyone is one Leng, the easy week has already not felt to, huge wood~thought of biggest secret for oneself and then so be known, haven't waited he to respond to come over how to do, listen to'bang!'The ground is a , that small bird exploded for oneself after finishing saying, one regiment flesh and blood four fly, finally fall into sea, ~red one sea water.
"Bastard!Where walk?"The huge wood absolute being gentleman spirit ground soon became mad, handsomely the face has already started distorting to transform, full is a ferocious color, he just and clearly feel Sung Chang Gung ground breathing in that small bird, obviously is the other party BE, at the same time Sung Chang Gung ground breathing also in the neighborhood sea way nearby Shan now for a while, he immediately felt, the spirit ground shouts loudly a , the Yang hand an absolute being keeps on striking by lightning.
See a more than 100 Zhangses grow of the green light lightning flash explode to ring from getting empty but falling and directly rushed sea in but go, immediately after huge wood absolute being gentleman hand in of'green Long Nao Hai Ling'raised will send out, suddenly felling not to, the his hand is 1 turn, together green only before body, the file's immediately after a lightning flash explosion is opened,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, he lifts to see to go, is exactly hasn't been talking of that is a sky, the Chi last person's ground fairy.
BE about to move to ask, listen to a sky, person of the Chi sneer way:"No matter what that runt says is to isn't true, I also ignore you is who, why bearer, I a makes the fairy don't give offense to you, why do you want to attackstone my hole mansion?Is true the fairy being the ground of our the human life to humiliate so much?Thus, I accept that legendary inborn to work properly a treasure, the fairy might of god liked."
Is huge wood absolute being the gentleman pointed to point to that group of islands, spirit ground Ga expect two times mouth, just tidy up good language not smooth tunnel:"I don't know that you live there as well, since you are a landlord, think come just is also feel have different vitality reaction there, is exactly the person whom I make track for, I am to attackstone him just, this heel what fairy, having of ground fairy what relation?I also the nothing important inborn work properly a treasure, is what he sullies me."
Person's eyes of Chi in the sky in the flash across is one silk angry expression, he isn't a fool either, just that strange guy lets out a bird that does puppet and said how many strange words after, unexpectedly in the neighborhood of oneself's group of islands Shan now for a while breathing, obviously want to lead oneself to go into a jar, but this calls huge wood ground the guy also had no courtesy too much and appeared by the side of my hole mansion on making a sound ground to strike against, that my this host is here is decoration?
More want to more annoy, he shouts loudly one- track:"You are two to isn't all good thing, my hole mansion here, want to beat and then return me to roll far and far, otherwise don't blame me for a sky, the Chi doesn't preach a reason, everyone's under charge sees true chapter good."Say a to raise a hand, up to 100 Zhans greenly the sword light be nearby dancing in the wind but, formed a turn of blue shining glory circumambience in his side.
Speak of to person of the Chi in sky with side door go into way, experience successively a bitterness to fix but achievement ground the fairy is very not easy, but his intelligence indeed is leave no room for doubt, he how to can not tells the guy for concealing to harm adversary through the hands of others, oneself became that knife, if the huge wood was willing to say well, he probably helped to catch a person together, the huge wood is so arrogant, unexpectedly be oneself, this host's noodles to begin the hole mansion of beating he or she.
Being very difficult to see on his face is beside still particularly an easy week, person of Chi in the sky from cradle to the grave be good noodles skin, the somebody else does him the honor, be know perfectly well an other party big crafty big bad, as long as doing not provoke him, this old guy also takes care of a somebody else, can if the other party not does him the honor, that other party be again strong, he also wants to try, everything all because of his face.
The originally huge wood saw a sky, the Chi responded so greatly, oneself also felted and then wased so host to attackstoned the somebody else's hole mansion connect say voice all have no, have no courtesy really very, see simply unexpectedly being made by B wood of the sword that the other party move true fire and have already let out to fly sword, is just wanting circle and severals, suddenly discover the other party immediately after on responding, he discovers underneath there is heavy B wood spiritual influence on the group of islands, and still existence B wood spirit.
Exultation in his heart.Steal to see.See the easy week knit the brows a station beside air.Seeming didn't begin meaning.His eyes a turn.Smile to the Chi way in sky:"Just was me ground is wrong.Please don't be offended.My this side compensated a gift!"
Say in the sky the arch hand salutes.Then continue way:"This guy up have been making track for to kill my ground.Now his ground breathing always at way the friend ground hole mansion side.Want to come is just was harmed.Or want to lend a friend ground hole mansion to procrastinate me. Related articles:

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