Sunday, December 2, 2012

Green Monday Beats ime the piercing fe

, 1044 no exception, second 芠 this sees in brief and matchlessly from ascend to next one sword, but make him block to have no block, avoiding to have no can avoid and abruptly ate down, final outcome BE, 1044 drive once the second 芠 interrupted a head, the Yu certainly breaks Tang, almost is been divided into 3.
The second 芠 is dark hiss a , at present this monster damned!
At the same time, another part also spread whole life point roar, second 芠 need not turn a head to also know, this is 1043 send out of sharp roar voice, he has been already known from suddenly and violently the king's angle of view, just suddenly and violently Wang Gen 1043 two can not hurt each other at all towards discovering in the wars, they, suddenly and violently the king still says in the past, he now body big part original all constitute by energy, plus 1043 hands in again is an energy sword,Green Monday Beats, unless is front side dozen medium suddenly and violently the king's essence, otherwise with its energy body the belligerence is tantamount to just scratch an itch for him similar, can not hurt, and suddenly and violently the king a little bit and slow down act also similar can not harm 1043, so they just again each other leads long to make just.
But, when second 芠 one sword cut 1044 behind, 1043 right away be like crazy general, completely regardless of suddenly and violently the king's huge Zhang assault, back sold to suddenly and violently a king, leave five big wounds, then quickly of rush to 1044 heads, 1044 that head that breaks to pick up, asked a way:"1044, do you have a matter?"
The second 芠 extremely doesn't understand that all already drive he to break a head, also needs to ask to have a matter?Is difficult the dead person's head that don't become to break to also answer him?
In fact, second 芠 at next really is almost surprised to exhale, because 1044 that still really answers 1043, he hear 1044 of the head is continuously to send out a burst of of the irritating to the ear call of melodious modulation in tone, the voice a little bit is each other like a sheet iron to rub, but 1043 continuously nod a way:"It doesn't matter!As long as the essence didn't suffer from injury and needed a meeting I again make change a new armor to go for you."
Go to this, second 芠 no longer doubt, at present these two people, not!Should be don't know to beat where come of the monster will never be mankind, but a certain monster becomes of, and hear that 1043 of speech, seeming the head is their essences, other parts from from a certain"armor" constitutes of, no wonder that no matter how he beat to all have no an effect, at present, he has already known how to do!
The idea in the heart reads a to move, spirit difference dint of that is familiar of icy cold feel to once more again flood his whole body, his emotion once more again of be got up by the ice, become a have no the blood have no lachrymal of heartless person.
The right hand is a , that recruited to only once use to extremely recruit to once more again appear at a time and appeared again on the arm that sees second 芠 together shining of blue light sword, then, be greedy for consciousness of wolf star to wake up in the heart of second 芠 once again, then, again one at a time"take aim at to complete", in the second 芠 heart on moving, light the sword is winking a projection, target-"person's head".
Chapter 58 crary Yan heart

Flash a Shan to namely go to, mercilessly beat medium 1044 person's head.
1043 see the second 芠 send out that together blue light, not from loudly of call way:"Light wave cannon?"Voice although one flat panel didn't change,the second 芠 can realize from his that kind of the ratio just still wanted greatly the top the volume of several, in the voice the surprised feeling for taking clipped, originally they are also to have feelings, just because of that what armor of thing would make people feel that they are to have no feelings just.
In the second 芠 heart although think other affairs, eyes still keep to straightly look at that drive his light the sword beat medium"person's head", in order to being greedy for wolf star it help, the second 芠 easily took aim at person's head of the place of the top of head, the whole"person's head" skull already drive the light arrows of the second 芠 to broke off, the thing peep out an inside, isn't the white brains in the imagination, but a see to about ten a few cms big, whole body green, only a big head, have on the big head 78 black things that see to be like eye or spot, again big head the underneath still has four small and soft long long of be like touch similar thing of beard, to sum it up, this"thing" see to is like one just look much more disgusted than the octopus without four octopi of feet, although is frightened, second 芠 on the other hand already the in the mind has preparation, two he now basically there is no emotion to be talked, so just can thus detailed observation.
But when second 芠 a break skull behind, this"octopus" is seen and seem painful, send out than just still wanted sharp interjection, saw to seem is 1044 essences, second 芠 just going to had action and really exterminated these two the octopi that didn't know that strange of, momentarily brain in a burst of piercing, immediately after and suddenly felt the felling of whole body a burst of debility, let him move not get, the body has no way action.
But 1043 then right away by hand, exactitude to say is transform,beats by dre solo, wrapped up that octopus strange, the dynasty second 芠 sees one eye, the second 芠 can realize, even if the taste is extremely nothing exciting that taste under conceal of hate an idea.
The second 芠 thinks that it will kill to come over right away, who know 1043 just after seeing second 芠 one eye, turn round disappear at darkly in, the second 芠 laid up spirit difference dint, secretly of the wry smile is 1, see come to this 1043 be helping own companion first.
And at this time, the piercing felling in the second 芠 brain namely the impotence also slowly drew off, although still keep having influence,have already can'ted influence his to act.
At this time, in the second 芠 heart also very seldom hesitate continuously, exactly want to again revenge to still back first bottom, next time come again?
If say that he backs now bottom, he really is a heart is unwilling, see to all arrive at this, but a matter haven't results to show of return to, call he how the ability is pleased, but if want to continue to revenge of go, the palace has already known this monster existence now, although don't know to still have how much, , one great bar for raising absolutely is that he revenges, just hesitant in the second 芠 of, he hears a kind of voice and finally makes him next to settle decision.
No matter handle any affair, forever is arrive the second time of forbid the guard is after passing by second 芠 and those two a chain of strange combats of octopi and finally also came, and again the power that surround already on all sides of the second 芠 , surround second 芠 in they, although don't know how much person, but the second 芠 only sees that closely of the shadow of human figure know number absolutely at 1000 people on.
Is very good!Concealed the second 芠 under noodles A to be suffused with on putting on sneer, since can't find out a virtuous wild king to revenge, so accept some interest also good.
Many one persons who forbid the guards to see second 芠 celibacy only at this times stand between the garden, just square but have more than thousand persons, still is continuing to increase, the owner all wants to take down the second 芠 and signs a great achievement so much, and these always forbiding of highly critical crest the guards don't want as well second 芠 dare a person sneak in here alone but not disheveled hair now, and is a simple person?If they if know the fame of second 芠 and now in mind the affair thought and in no case dare to be like so each think that the first begins to take down second 芠 and has a great achievement so much now, absolutely is have how far run how far.
Don't know as well is who start, so one person shout to kill, 1000 people assault, toward second 芠 place kill in the past, concealed the second 芠 under noodles AN and again peeped out to bite blood to pole of cold smile, greeted their arrivals.
Very that, numerous Xing breeze blood rain are in the second 芠 nearby exhibition open, it is to historically re-appear to seem to, the second 芠 is launching him at a time the true colors of the silver month devil, the platinum sword in the right hand will each close to his forbid guard to cut and kill at the ground and got empty a left hand to then continuously send out spirit strength, make the enemy of distance shaking and die, particularly second 芠 at send out of blend and settle the principle that the month cuts in the spirit strength, although Be different from orthodox school of break a month and cut sort power everlasting, but whenever Zhang strength or boxing vigorously explode and open in the crowd forbiding guard of, a little then, much then 45 strength guards is absolutely a body and suffer from severely wounded and fall on the ground not to rise, after all, these strength the guards all just the common run of people, and then how can is the opponent of evil Wu Shuang Xiu's second 芠 ?Is much less, still have one from the flank of the second 芠 can't be tired, can't get hurt of three Chinese foot huge bear suddenly and violently the king's existence,beats solo hd!
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